Saturday, November 04, 2006

Parallel parking

Pictures of the Pulaski County Courthouse:
The Old Part (1) and the New Part (2)

Today I'm off, tackling the challenge of getting a Small Estate Affidavit in the state of Arkansas to try to clear up some of my mom's stuff. And, as it turns out, the biggest part of the challenge is finding a parking spot. Everyone who lives in a real city is going to think "Sheesh, let me tell you about real parking problems"...but, downtown Little Rock is a know, one way streets and parallel parking with meters. Parallel parking! If I'd had to parallel park to get my driver's license, I'd be riding the bus to work. Luckily, on about my tenth circle, muttering/praying for a parking spot, any parking spot to open up, I found the perfect one. Drove right into it! No reversing required! Then I walked the 4 blocks and was in and out of the courthouse in minutes.

I'm pretty sure most of the difficulty in parking was due to my bad
timing...the state education conference at the convention center across the street and early voting combined are not a good mix. Then, because I was feeling so lucky(?), I went down to the Health Department to Vital Records to get extra copies of my parents' death certificates. Parking was another nightmare, but no parallel-ing required. Then I waited...and waited...and waited. If you ever have to do this, take my advice and order them early online. Waiting at the Health Department left me feeling...a little unhealthy. Could be the early 70's governmental decor. I'm not sure.

Then, as a nice contrast, I went to Benton's downtown...the block around the Saline County courthouse on Friday night for my sister-in-law's surprise 40th birthday party. And...I managed to parallel park! The right way! I couldn't believe it either.

I love downtown Benton. I always expect to see Andy, Opie and Aunt Bea on the sidewalk. I think it's the town square thing...the courthouse with the "county complex" in the storefronts across the street, a lawyer's office on one side and the sheriff's office on the other.

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