Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bathing Beauty

As promised, here are photos of Darcy doing the backstroke in the lake. Well, not really. She mainly likes to dip her nose in and toss her hair about like a swimsuit model. We had a good time. This last picture of her cracks me up. I'm not sure which one of us was more tired at the end of the day but by about Day 3, I actually had to poke her and say "hey, hey, hey" to get her to open her eyes up. She'd be sprawled out in the living room floor in subzero temperatures (thank you, someone else's electric bill) and I'd decide to make sure she was still breathing. She'd open up one eye, just a fraction...just look at me, then slam it shut again and sigh. Sigh. Sigh like she was so mistreated! You see the grin on that face. I guess it takes a lot out of dog to show that much tongue all at once.

1 comment:

Mundane Jane said...

She looks like you've just told her she can drive home (as long as she stays on the back roads).