Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Work fashion no-no's

As a service, here are some workplace tips.

What NOT to wear to work-10 rules from AOL.com:
1. The crime: Poor-fitting clothing
Too-tight clothing is never flattering and usually too revealing, but too-baggy clothes make you look sloppy and unprofessional. Pant length also matters -- if you're showing too much sock or leg, expect to be teased all day about an upcoming flood.

2. The crime: Too much perfume or cologne
You never want your co-workers or clients to smell you before they see you, and a colleague could be severely allergic to your favorite scent.

3. The crime: Shorts or too-short skirts
Showing too much leg is never a good professional move -- for women or men. Revealing a little leg makes men appear overly casual or sloppy, and makes women look more sexy than serious. (Men? Showing too much leg? Where do these people work?)

4. The crime: Out-of-control hair
Whether it's frizzy coifs or bushy beards, wild hair just doesn't look professional.

5. The crime: Dirty, ripped or torn jeans
Even on casual Fridays, ripped jeans look too dirty and messy for the workplace.

6. The crime: Cleavage
There are very few legitimate jobs where showing off your chest is a good career move.

7. The crime: Tank tops
Showing too much skin in the office is never a good idea, and tank tops are especially inappropriate for men. (Tank tops for men? Where do these people work?)

8. The crime: Noisy jewelry
An armload of bangles or long, dangling earrings are perfect choices for a bar, but downright distracting in the office.

9. The crime: Gym attire
Even in the most casual workplaces, yoga pants, shorts, T-shirts and running shoes make you look sloppy and apathetic. (What if you ARE apathetic? Does that mean this is the right look for you?)

10. The crime: Extremely high heels
Extremely high heels are too sexy for the workplace -- not to mention impractical. Few things would be more embarrassing than wobbling or tripping over your extreme footwear in front of the boss.

How many have you broken? Lately, I think I'm guilty of 1, 4 and maybe a 6 accidentally. The AOL article will tell you how to recover from your crimes.

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