Sunday, October 29, 2006

2006 Quilt Market, Day 2

Started out at 9:00 this morning to walk to the show (after I packed, wrote on my paper, and played my obsessive games searching for my driver's license, credit cards, car keys, etc. to be sure I could get home). I ran through the remaining 11 or 12 aisles, talked with some of our designers, and took pictures of every quilt that I stopped in front of. You can see that there weren't that many that I took the time to see. I'll post more pictures to my Flickr account Wednesday.

Then I walked back to the hotel to get on the 11:45 shuttle to the airport...along with Linda Lum DeBono who is one of the designers that I had missed at the show. It was meant to be! We had a great conversation about changes in quilting and crafting (it was a very popular conversation because I had it with just about every designer I talked to) and what Leisure Arts is looking for. I'm really hoping that great things come out of these conversations. Here are some random photos...

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