Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The first gifts of the season

Yesterday was an exciting day. In addition to my new 'do maintenance at Wild Ivy, I got 2 different boxes of gifts that I've ordered, so I'm finally making headway on the whole Christmas thing. The first box contains a top-secret gift for the 3 people in the building who make my job so easy. They deserve something much grander. Fortunately, they don't expect it from me! Since they happen to read this from time to time, I can't show you photos of those, but I do have photos of the extremely cool photo book that can be built on Shutterfly.

And the first gifts to me of the season came from Cheryl and Sandra. Aren't these Santas great? The big guy is a bobble-head Santa. I want him to shake his head "Yes" but most of the time I get "No" or "I don't think so" (kinda wobbling around in a circle). Wonder what that means? Coal in my stocking?

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