Friday, February 09, 2007

TNNA People's Choice and The Knitter's Studio

The newsletter from the second cool shop Mary and I visited in Los Angeles came in today. In it is this photo of the knitted and beaded wedding dress that the ladies at The Knitter's Studio designed and submitted to the fashion show at the TNNA show in San Diego. While we were visiting, the ladies told us that they'd heard their dress won, but here's the official notice (along with a photo). I think I'm fascinated by the idea of a knit wedding dress. And, since I've seen so many lately, apparently others are fascinated, too. If I weren't so tired this morning, I'd insert some comment about how long it would take to knit a dress for myself and that apparently I'm going to have enough time to take care of that before I actually need it. Maybe I'll have a Diet Coke and come back for that. To find out more about this great shop, go to Here's what the newsletter has to say:

We are very proud to announce that The Knitter’s Studio won the TNNA Fashion Show People’s Choice award for design. This is like the Academy Award of the knitting world and The Knitter’s Studio’s completely hand-knit lace and hand-beaded wedding dress was chosen out of 122 garments by the industry attendees.

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