Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sites popping up all over the place

I decided I better do a post about all the new sites we've got popping up all over the place. The first photo is a screenshot of, a place where you can download patterns that we may have discontinued or that have never seen the light of publishing day. Either way, you can buy that one pattern that you like and download it right there in your cozy desk chair. (Sorry about not having the site linked. Safari Blogger makes it too hard because I need the HTML. I'll fix it at home. Maybe. If I remember.) I think at last count there were more than 70 patterns there, but they're adding things all the time. I don't think you'll see any quilt stuff there yet, but some knit, crochet, cross stitch, and plastic canvas...and there's already a bestseller! I think the site's been up about a month but it's been sort of "unofficial" and I think that you'll be seeing changes to the design of the page in the future.

This is a shot of where you can find out about everything that's happening in this new series of books we've got. I've shown iKnit and iCrochet (I think) and there's an iQuilt bubbling, just about ready to be shown. At this site, you can find out more about Irene, the voice of these books. She's got a daily blog, and the rest of the site will have great tips. Check it out!

I've shown before, I think, but I think I'm in a shopping mood. The featured items change and there's a coupon showing on the home page right now.

These 2 shots are of other blogging Leisure Arts-ers. The first one is Debra, who works with all our designers. Right now, she's got a report about the Paint Show she just returned from. There's a link to her blog in the sidebar, it's Suzy Q's Sweet Tea.
And this is a shot of Deb's blog, Mundane Jane. See...the thing about Deb is that she's clever. Clever in lots of ways, but really clever with words. And like Irene, she's pretty good with snark. She's got opinions and it's sometimes fun to argue with her. Right or wrong, she's always funny. I'll add her link to the sidebar, too. You may find out more than you really wanted to know about Deb through her blog, but it'll be true. And funny.

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