Friday, June 08, 2007

Planning the weekend

I'm trying to come up with some stunning plans for the I have my hot-dog rated trail book out. Yesterday there was a story about a teenage girl finding a diamond at the Crater of Diamonds State Park. I've never been there, either. I thought it was interesting. Here's some of the news article about the find:

MURFREESBORO, Ark. - Walking along a path taken by thousands of others at the Crater of Diamonds State Park, Nicole Ruhter noticed something everyone else had missed _ a tea-colored, 2.93-carat diamond.

Ruhter, 13, of Butler, Mo., said she would name her find the "Pathfinder Diamond" after pulling what she described as a broken pyramid from the ground. Her parents, grandparents, brother and two sisters had already spent the day digging in two other fields before heading down the path just after 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Ruhter said both park rangers and her vacationing family got excited about the diamond, found along a service road. So far this year, visitors to the park have found 332 diamonds, three of them Tuesday alone, said Bill Henderson, assistant park superintendent.

While the park does not do appraisals, Henderson said experts appraised a 4-carat diamond found previously in the park between $15,000 to $60,000. Henderson said Ruhter's diamond did have chips and several imperfections.

Wonder how many hot dogs that would be worth?

The other pictures are from Arkansas Post. The Old Townsite Loop there is only 1 hot dog and there would be plenty of history there (Settled by the French in 1686, the remote "Post de Arkansae" was the first permanent European colony in the Mississippi River Valley and played a valuable role in the long struggle between France, Spain and England for dominance of the lucrative fur trade...straight from the web site). If you missed the hot dog explanation, you can go back to Saturday to find out why my limit is 2 hot dogs or less.

Or I could conserve my hot dog energy and just stay home and knit...difficult decision.

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