Friday, July 13, 2007

A Little Captain in Him

One of the best things about working here at Leisure Arts is that there's someone here in the building who knows how to do it. Whatever "it" is, there's someone who has already been there, done that, and has the tools to prove it. Another good thing is that we get advance notice...we get rough instructions and sometimes models long before the world sees what can be done. This is a super-duper advance sneak peek of an upcoming project, but this is mine...all mine.

I think I'll name him Pete the Pirate Panda, but I'm still working on it. He'll be shot professionally, laid out superbly, and will be joined by several other crocheted friends...but this one, he's mine. I dropped a hint around the people that I work with (in this case, crocheters) that I would just looove to have my very own. And she (I think it was Lois although I don't have a signed confession) made me Pete! I love it! This is one of those things I can't make on my own. My crochet skills...well, I can make triangles because I accidently increase (in life as well as crochet). I need to work on that.

I'm so glad that this was not one of the times where I say, "Oh, look, how cute! I'd love to have one of those, but I could never make it!", and then they, one of an assortment of professionals around here, say, "Oh, you could do that. It's just rounds of single crochets where you twist one arm behind your head and then use your toe pick to complete a triple lutz before sticking the landing." While nodding her head with a "how much more simple could it be?" look on her face. OK, well, they don't really say that. It's probably some combination of singles, halfs, doubles, and a cherry on top, but it might as well be a foreign language. I need to work on that. And the pros around here don't need no stinking instructions. They take one look and make you an exact replica in a disgustingly short time. Still, I'm happy. I have my Pirate Panda. Don't you think he's way more Captain Jack than Will Turner? I thought so, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous!! I knew you were getting one, but had no idea he would be so, so cute!