This picture comes from the iTunes Store. All of our webcasts are available for download through iTunes for free (this is why sometimes I call them webcasts, sometimes can get a little confusing for my brain to sort out...but they are the same thing). And right now, we're on the feature page under "Crafty is Cool"...and it is! It's very cool to see Leisure Arts up there. But then I think...that means more people will watch them. A lot more people will watch them. A lot more people will hear me say "bo-ok" instead of "book". And, contrary to what others say, sometimes it is all about me and what people think about me. I've said it a few times, but I just don't have an accent...until I hear myself recorded. Then it just jumps up out of nowhere.
Mundane Jane has made up her own nifty cool shirt and buttons to promote her blog. What do you think I should do? I'm thinking of giving away free money. That should really draw people in, right? As is my usual, I was giving her a hard time, telling her to make a shirt for my blog. Now I think she's going to do it. She's like that. I'm not sure I'm into self-promotion. At the quilt show we went to this weekend, someone said to me something about reading my blog. This time, it was a friend/quilt shop owner, but every time it happens I think to myself, "Oh my goodness, that means people are actually reading this. I better watch what I say. If people really knew me, they'd think I'm weird." Of course, if you've been reading this for any amount of time, you already know that. Probably if you've ever met me, you know that. However,I prefer "quirky" to "weird". I hope there are some other "quirky" people out there!
Free money. For sure.
A gal who "tumps" is rather delightfully quirky. (You have no idea how much I loved learning that word.)
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