Friday, September 28, 2007

A Hat update

I managed to wrangle some models out of the Knit & Crochet area to show off the hats that are being whipped up for Arkansas Childrens Hospital and Knitting for Noggins. And these highly compensated, totally professional models are Mary, Sarah, and Joan. Mary is showing her non-Raspberry Beret (come on, everybody sing...Raaa-spberry Ber-et, the kind you find in a second-hand store....Raaa-spberry Ber-et), Sarah is wearing my one adult hat, and then they're all holding baby hats made by Sarah or Joan.
Title of Picture 1: CHEESE!
Title of Picture 2: She's touching me! Hey, she's touching me!
Title of Picture 3: #!@$& (Mary looks like she's disgusted (and might be making an obscene gesture disguised by innnocent baby hats), Sarah looks both disgusted AND afraid, Joan...she just looks like she's happy. Hi, Joan!). You'd be surprised at how often I get these looks in real life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl!

I love the Noggins pics. Are these designs from a book? A Leisure Arts book perhaps?

They are simply lovely, as are your willing models.
