Thursday, November 08, 2007

More stolen shopping moments..

Because I can't stand for others to spend money without joining in, I waited patiently on Saturday and Sunday until the lull and then I skipped out to cover the half of the show that I didn't get to see in the hour on Friday. And I spent money. More fabric packs (in Christmas colors. I have to have a stocking PDQ for work. I might make one.) And on Sunday afternoon, I went back to The Silver Needle for a big purchase...of a cross stitch kit...fabric, beads, and silks included. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. But at least I'll have plenty to keep my hands occupied in debtor's prison.

I had to spread it all out on the grass because of my lack of space (and light) inside. All flat surfaces are currently covered with mail or other unimportant debris. I don't think my "clean" house lasted even 5 minutes this time. It looks like my suitcases blew up. I'll have to work on that. Someday.

1 comment:

Regina said...

Oohh -I love that Allspice Tapestry - and a company called the Cotton and Chocolate Quilt Company - must be good!!!

It is always more dangerous to be shopping when others are spending lots - peer pressure I suppose, but when I shop with my quilting sister it always gets OUT OF CONTROL!!!

Can't wait to see your finished projects!!!