Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Quilt Market, Pittsburgh

I always have the most difficult time deciding what to post after I get back from a show like the Spring Quilt Market. So much happens and by the time I get back somewhere to write it down, it turns into a blur. And this time was no different! Add my sensory overload to camera amnesia and my posts become even more jumbled, but I'd need two brains and sets of eyes to see it all and keep it all straight so we'll just have to make do.

I have to give Pittsburgh the title for "Most beautiful convention center" because it is really, really nice. This is the view from the inside.

And this is what you see on the outside as you walk in...lots of running water. It's a beautiful place if you like water. And bridges and buildings.

The first day I was here I successfully rode the subway to the Station Square stop and then I managed to find the Monongahela Incline (sorry if I spelled it wrong...too tired to check right this minute so I'm sticking with phonetics). I took these photos from the overlook. I feel all adventurous and intrepid and stuff.

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