Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Audience of one

Yesterday I was working on contest entries for an approaching writer's conference deadline (working on=surfing the net, checking email, paying bills, reading tweets, and basically searching for something, anything to write about). It was progress...instead of watching Firefly, I was attempting to stretch and grow my skills.

I think I would have been better off working towards crossing Firefly off my list. I might have accomplished something then.

Still, Darcy watches me to make sure I'm not doing something stupendous like heading towards the Milkbone box. She never gets any rest because if it looks like I'm standing, she does too. I have to be careful not to shift too much in my seat. In fact, she looks like she's considering hopping up to be ready to move if needed in this photo.

She's good company.
To get a look like this:
1. Take a lousy picture with your iPhone.
2. Run it through a fun app on your iPhone, CameraBag, and choose Helga.

Silver is cool too (when you have a very bad iPhone photo):

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