Wednesday, June 08, 2011


I'm fighting the urge to sprinkle "Jane Friedman" throughout the post today because her tweet about my summary about the "future of the book" conversation at the Arkansas Writers' Conference yesterday caused a spike in traffic yesterday.

This place was blowin' up!
And I looooved it! Seven times more visitors than a normal day showed up so you see why I pondered for a few minutes last night what cleverness I could post today.

Unfortunately, I came up with very little of anything at all interesting, educating, or controversial so we're going back to what I know: me. So the New York Trip is LOOMING. I'm really looking forward to the conference but I'm also trying to figure out how to spend as little time there as possible so I can see New York. I did order tickets! Daniel Radcliffe and me...we're going to be breathing the same air soon. That sounds creepier than I intended it to.

And I started making a list of the sights to see. I'm still looking for some company...anybody have a burning urge to visit Purl Soho with me?

The sad truth is I should have started training for this years ago. And also, saving.

Seriously, it was this or another Jack post. He's found his voice now. You can probably expect to enjoy a post about that soon.

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