First, the cautions: My crochet skills are slim. I learned to knit first and loved it, fell headfirst into a baby afghan and never really looked back. As I was the Knit and Crochet Director at the time, I also learned to crochet. (BTW, this is also how quilting came into my life. I'm afraid we'll start a lawn and garden division next and I'll be the director and I'll have a real moral dilemma on my hands. Not really. I don't do yard work for any reason.)
I am the World's Second Tightest Knitter (after Art Director Rhonda learned, she knocked me from my throne) and if I was doing anything other than growing a small black dog with an insane vertical leap and overwhelming need to be in my face at all times, I'd be knitting something. Why? I like working with my hands.
So, having said all that, I have a Knook. I learned everything I know from the book and the helpful videos at (waving at Lindsay and Sarah)
1. If you crochet, you won't have the two challenges I have: which stitch is the first one that I work into and also how to keep my stitches nice and even. Once you get past the foundation chain, the first one is addressed. The second requires practice.
2. If you already knit a bit, maybe you'll miss twisted stitches because the way you work into stitches and work with the yarn seems strange if you've been a crocheter forever. To me, this seems just like knitting. Left to right to knit, right to left to purl. Easy. Knits and purls will take you a long way, too.
3. If you don't do either, you could start right here with the Knook. See what I did there?
I found knooking quick and fairly easy to understand. I do like the bamboo hook too, even though I miss the squeaking noises my knitting needles make as I saw them together. Not really.
I started out with one of the projects from the book: a garter stitch scarf. I only had to master the knit stitch. And then I just had to do that over and over and over. This worked really well with my first knit baby afghan, but I wasn't sure it would hold my interest. Plus, someone actually asked me if I could purl. I took that as a challenge. So I tried it. Indeed, I can purl without much difficulty. Next I will try walking and chewing gum at the same time because I think I'm on a roll. I did a practice swatch, and then I decided...what the hey, let's do something for reals.
I looked around at the free projects. I looked around at the $2.99 downloads and picked the fingerless mitts. I've been threatening to make a pair for some time. Here's where I am:
Lunch, Day 1: Wrist ribbing, DONE. That's 6 rows combining the knit AND the purl. I'm probably not setting any land speed records yet, but that could be said of me in every area.
So, do you have a Knook? Look for them at Wal-Mart. If you do, check out the downloads like the fingerless mitts (and really, really fab baby cute!) HERE.
Someday, I'll have one of these mitts. Why one? I'm sort of like that. I might even swing two if the yarn holds out. I'll keep you posted.

Well, since you already knit, and it doesn't look too complicated, my best guess is that you'll have them done within 2 weeks. So I'll say August 12, 2011. Have fun!
I came because I couldn't resist the Notting Hill reference...
I predict you will be finished by November 22nd. Barely.
My prediction for completing your fingerless mitts is 30Nov2011! If you work a little bit each day on them, before you know it ... they'll be done and you can gift them to someone special for Christmas! Thanks for the nice giveaway!
I predict you will finish them on October 31, 2011 and incorporate them into your Halloween costume!
I predict 9/16/11. I'm the opposite of you: I crochet a lot, not so much a knitter. I'm excited about this Knook. I've been checking my Wal Marts for it, but no luck yet. I'll keep trying, I just want some Knooky! :)
If you're a like me, I never like to make 2 of anything... but I'm sure you're not quite like me, so I'll guess January 10, 2012.
December 13, 2011 Good Luck the start of the glove looks great!
Hmmmmm, Since you are trying out your knook skills, I think they will be finished on August 2,2011. However, if things come up to call you away from the knooking for a bit, it might be Feb 12,2012 before they're done~:o)
Happy knooking~
Great start! I'm sure you'll have them finished before Christmas (this year). :) I read about this technique last year and have wanted to give it a whirl but I didn't take the time to research hooks for it. Very happy to have found the Knook kit at Walmart recently. It is next on my list of something new to learn. :)
I know you will finish the mitts. My guess is Sept 14, 2011. My parents would have been married 59 years on that date. They did spend 53 years together. Good luck in finishing your mitts.
How cute are those! I think you will be finished by August 6th, this year. lol I really must find one of those Knooks so I can learn to do this. Have fun!!
I think you could be done by the end of August. Have fun with it, I can't wait to get my hands on this.
Ooh! I want a knook!
Hmm, the gloves...I think you'll be done in a month ish! So August 31st is my guess :P
I predict October 9th, 2011. Gives you a couple months for other priority projects, and getting mostly done, only to realize you missed (or messed up) a stitch near the thumb gusset, and having to frog it back and essentially start over. (Please don't ask why I might suggest this could happen...)
If you work a bit each day, you could have it done by September time for fall.
I think you will do fine. It takes time to learn a new technique.
I'm guessing Aug.%, 2011, because I think it would be pretty cool to see a pic of your finished mitts and my name announced as the winner on the 6th. ;)
You seem like the type who is motivated by a I say you'll have them done by my birthday: November 11. Why not your birthday? Because this year my birthday is a very special day: 11/11/11!
If I win a knook, I'll race you.
Well, you're already an experienced Knitter. And knooking in the round is a bit different. But it should be easy for you to pick up. Probably want to get this done fairly quick..and items of two ... the second one tends to be slow..
So I say August 19th, 2011. That gives you a bit of time, in case other things come up. But Im sure you will have it done WELL before that one!!
The Knook claims another one!
*hopes to win a knook*
I'm going to predict August 6th as your completion date - giving you Saturday for the finishing touches. I left a comment on your post from yesterday - impatience on my part. I've been searching for a kit all week and really, really, really want to give this a try. I've been knitting a little, but am still awkward with the needles. Crochet is my number one. Fingers crossed that the randomized picker picks me!
If you work a little on it every lunch break, and perhaps a little on the weekends, including the time or two you might unravel a row you aren't pleased with...I predict you will have it done August 15th, 2011.
Good luck! Hopefully you will love it and that it will go fast for you.
I'd love a chance to enter for the Knook!! I think you will have the wrister's completed by Sept. 30, 2011 so you can wear them this fall :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I think you'll have them done by Oct 15 just as it starts to get cold, so you can wear them.
I'm going to be positive, assume you're nothing like me when it comes to finishing projects and say you'll be done by next week. Yay! :)
I so cannot wait to get this kit!
Depends...but since it's a new technique (and I tend to obsess with new techniques) you'll have them finished, ready to wear, by August 10, 2011. want to hurry and show us!! <> :)
I think you will finish them on Oct 10th, 2011 (yes, this year!) Just in time for my Mother's birthday. If I "won" a Knook kit, I could try to actually make them for my mom.
Look at you, already to row six in one lunch hour! Believe me, some of us (me) get so hung up on stitches being uneven that they never advance beyond the cast-on step. Maybe the Knook will help me get past that little touch of OCD. SJ
I would say October 15,2011 That's when you will be in the mind set to finish your past projects so you can move on to your holiday list. Don't worry you will finish the gloves and be very proud of the finished object.
I am confident that you will finish them soon since you will have a lot of people watching and waiting for you to finish! I can't wait to try the Knook and really hope I can win one!!!
First I just want to say I LOVE these mitts. My neighbor taught me to knit and made me a pair and since then,I have wanted to try and make a pair myself. I think it will be fun to do with the Knook. I bet with your experience you could finish it by 8/1/11. :) I am excited to see the finished project. ;)
If you're like me you wont stop until you see the end result so, I'm thinking you'll be done by August 5th.
The problem is that you'll have to wait for what it seems like eternity to wear those lovely fingerless gloves... Keep up the good work!
Something ALWAYS comes up to delay finishing a project! I'm going with Labor Day, September 5, 2011.
I am going to guess October 1, 2011. Don't let us down.
Love the knook! I want one so bad
I'll say by Christmas time, so you can give them as a gift. wink wink...
Happy Knooking... (cant wait to get mine.)(Hopefully Walmart will actually start selling them.)
How about my birthday, August 13th, 2011? Thanks for the giveaway!
Well, if you're anything like me: you'll have them done just before midnight on Dec. 24th, 2011... Just in time to wrap them up for the nephew's new girlfriend that you didn't know was coming to Christmas :-)
hookedewe at sbcglobal dot net
I predict you will be hooked on the Knook and after showing your first mitt you will be excited about finishing the second and like me getting it done in a hurry would be by Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 24, 2011.
Think you can do it, I do... :-)
Because I know how it is to think about a project and get sidetracked by other projects, I will guess they'll be done by Christmas 2011, maybe two pair - one as a gift. :-)
I guess you will be very fast. They will be finished August 3rd 2011.
Eva i Stäket, Sweden
Woho!!! You made one already! :D guess is that the pair will be ready by August 3 2011... and then you will do more pairs as Xmas presents :D heh I will, if I win the knook :P
Im guessing October 4th. They look really cute..
What a show off!
I predict Sept. 23, 2011. There's nothing like cold weather to encourage you to finish warm items...
ok -computer was offline so I missed the chance to guess before you posted an answer but I figured I would comment anyway. Love the pink!
I'm gonna guess you'll have the mitts done by Oct 5, 2011. :)
I'm going to guess August 16, 2011.
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