Sunday, July 29, 2007

Another new 'do

I hurried home to take this shot on Friday because I knew I'd never be able to re-create the look Amberlee gave me. I think I may have gone too funky...longer on the sides than the back feels just wrong to me. I decided to give it a try. I do like the color better than the last time was too blonde. This one does feel a little...edgier. The girl (yes, girl...way too cute, young, and cute for me to be entirely comfortable with her and her affection for the straight iron) does a good job.(Note to self: style yourself a little more carefully next time...maybe clean up a little.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl,

I love your new do!!!! Very nice, sleek, stylish. Just beautiful.

I'm completely hair-jealous.


Mundane Jane said...

You're ADORABLE! I really like the color, too.
