Monday, September 24, 2007

Saturday and the Big Dam Bridge

So after I spent an unholy amount of time unloading, detrashing, washing, drying, waxing, polishing, de-dog-hairing my car on the off chance that a certain visiting quilt designer might have to ride with me while she's visiting, I decided I needed a short top-down trip to make it all worthwhile. I drove out to the Big Dam Bridge, the world's longest pedestrian bridge...the brocure says so. And it was hot out there on that bridge but it was a neat experience. Since I stayed firmly to the right and was not murdered by a cyclist. It was a little touch and go every once in a while. So here are some photos I shot while I was there.
Shots of the bridge from the bank, while I was trudging uphill or upbridge, and of the I430 bridge (the one we use to drive across the Arkansas headed north).

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