Friday, July 08, 2011

Uptown Tour

Columbus Circle and a Trump Tower
In the attempt to keep the party rolling along without moaning audibly from the pains in my feet, I hopped on the uptown bus tour that went up through Harlem, Morningside Heights to see Grant's Tomb, back around the west side of Central Park, and then down Museum Row. It was a lovely, lovely way to see parts of the city I would have missed otherwise.

Each bus tour took over 2 hours, but it was all sitting so it was all good. The tour guides are great. Uptown includes the Dakota for all Beatles fans.

So this was Tuesday: the museum, the tour. And a literacy signing with more people than  should be allowed in a ballroom for safety codes. Since I don't do well with that, I headed for dinner across the street at Junior's where I had a Cobb salad bigger than my head and slice of really good cheesecake. All in all, this is what you call a wonderful end to a wonderful day.
One of the original subway buildings

Central Park


Guggenheim Museum

Metropolitan Museum

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